Friday, February 4, 2011


in the studio 01.31.11

I had an incredible time spending the day in the studio with one of my favorite bands, who also happen to be some of my favorite people in Albuquerque. When you hear Revíva perform, you can't help but to become filled with an all over good feeling and the uncontrollable urge to dance your face off.  The air builds with energy as the crowd sings along in unison to every single song and its always disappointing when the show comes to an end. I've left Revíva shows, dripping sweat, out of breath, exhausted and still wanting to hear more.

I have been to more Revíva shows than I can count and it has been so amazing to see the following that has grown around these guys in such a short time. People are drawn to them and new fans are born at every show. There is something very special about them and the music they make. They're hoping to have their album finished in April. I'll keep you guys posted on where you can find it, but in the mean time, you can listen to their music HERE.

I'll post the rest of the pics from that day soon!

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